
Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Great workers

At our Junior Assembly we congratulated Mila-Rose and Dilan's for their work in room 1.

Friday, 18 October 2019

Niue language week

The whole school shared what we have been learning about Niue culture and language.
Room 1 explained that the yellow is for the sunshine,  the Union Jack is like in the New Zealand flag, the 4 little stars are the Southern Cross, and the big star in the blue circle is the island in the water.
What else can you find out?

Thursday, 17 October 2019


Mrs Pedersen brought a dead bumble bee to school so we have been talking and writing about bees.
Today we looked at some honey comb and then tasted the sweet, sticky honey.
Not everyone enjoyed tasting it.
Honey is very good for you and we need to take care of the bees.

Shake Out Day 2019

We have been practicing what to do if there is an earthquake during the year.
Today all over New Zealand people showed what you need to do to keep safe during an earthquake.
Drop Cover Hold
We were like turtles under the tables.
You can practice with your family at home.

Science experiments

How do you make butter?
We discovered how to make butter with cream and salt.
After shaking the jar for a while it turned into whipped cream.
Then we kept shaking and finally it was butter.
This was how people made butter before you could buy it in the shops.

Monday, 14 October 2019

Kiwi Can, term 4

R E S P E C T is the theme for Kiwi Can.
It is important to know that you are very special.
We looked in a secret box and saw something special........ us!

Celebrating success

Great effort from these learners from room 1, especially at the first school assembly for term 4.