
Thursday, 28 June 2018


At the conclusion of our study on Maori culture and customs we held a powhari at school today.
This showed us what would happen if we visited a marae.
Mrs Riley organised the event but it was the prefects who conducted the powhari.
We are all very proud of what you did.
You showed respect and for some had to speak in a language which was not their own.

Hip hop off

At the end of the hip hop lessons we had a school hip hop off.
It was great to see the progression from room 1 to room 12.
Hip hop is a great way to exercise.


It is time to celebrate Matariki.
There are many events happening.
What do you know about Matariki?
We have talked about the stars, planting, kai (food), kites and spending time with whanau (family).

Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Writing from talking

We are learning how to write from what we talk about.
The more we talk about things the more ideas we have to write on.
Talk with your family.

Monday, 25 June 2018

Well done Jeremiah!

Jeremiah got the class Duffy book at assembly today.
He is noticing words and asking questions about the stories.
We know that you enjoy learning to read.

Monday, 18 June 2018

Kids Safe With Dogs

Laura came to show us how to be safe with dogs.
1. Ask the owner if you can pat the dog.
2. Pat the dog on the back.
3. Stand like a tree if you are scared of the dog.
Share the book with your family and talk about being safe.

Friday, 15 June 2018

Last hip hop lesson

Today was our last session of hip hop.
We have learnt many skills.
It will be great to keep making up dances.
Thanks Jess. We said thanks with a card.

Thursday, 7 June 2018

So....... Who sank the boat?

After reading the book Who sank the boat? we tried an experiment.
It does not matter what order the animals went in the boat.
So....... Who sank the boat? All of them! Try this at home.

Washing hands at home.

When you don't have magic soap at home you can still clean your hands.
Water, soap and a towel are all you need.
Make sure you dry your hands thoroughly.

Chrome book reading

Today we went to room 12 where they shared their blogs with us.
It is interesting to see what year 7 and 8 are learning.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Sentence steps

We made a story about pumpkins and then said the story as we walked along the footprints.
This helped us to remember the story.

Buddy reading with room 12

This week room 12 is coming up to our room to listen us read the books from our book boxes.
They ask us questions about the story.  We have to think hard about what we read.

Friday, 1 June 2018

Trimming the tree

Today the arborist came to trim a tall tree.
They have to use safety equipment to keep safe.
You can see them clearly in their orange vests.